1- DMCA Notice.

The content generated for havala.com fully comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 and other applicable laws. Terms of the DMCA may be accessed through the U.S Copyright Office’s website. havala.com will respond immediately to any copyright owner or those authorized by one, of any claims of infringement done on our part..

2- Kindly Report

If at all you find any content published by havala.com which you believe infringes on your rights, please feel free to write to us. As you do, please provide the necessary information, including: the published work which you claim has been infringed and the URL of the link where the original copyrighted work has been published. In your letter, kindly include this notice: "I, hereby, certify that that the information I have provided is valid and that the use of the copyrighted material in your site is not authorized by the copyright owner.".

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